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Upcoming Events

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Saturday,  February 1, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

New Orleans Writers Workshop (New Orleans, LA) 

Fictionalizing Your Life

What is autofiction and why is it both controversial and growing in popularity? This workshop will look at the growing popularity of autobiographical fiction and discuss strategies for fictionalizing the people and the events in your life. There will be writing prompts and time to discuss how fictionalizing your life can keep it real. The workshop is ideal for memoirists worried about revealing too much, and writers who want to draw on their own experiences. It is open to writers of all levels.

Click here to register


Monday,  February 3, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Octavia Books  (New Orleans, LA) 

Kate will be in coversation with New Orleans-based novelist Elisa M. Sepranza

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Morning Pages Weekend Writing Workshops in January in Hoboken, NJ

Saturday and Sunday mornings from 8:30-10:30 am

 Join Batia Zumwalt and Kate Feifferfor free-association journaling and writing prompts, with some restorative yoga and stretching to get relaxed and inspired. 

Come for any or all weekends. 

February 8 & 9

Click here to register

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